République tunisienne
République tunisienne Ministère de l’Economie et de la Planification


23 Juillet 2020

« SUMITOMO ELECTRIC BORDNETZE Tunisia (SEBN Tunisia), a member of Sumitomo Electric Industries Group, is a Japanese cable harnesses manufacturer. The group includes approximately 390 subsidiaries and affiliates in more than 40 countries around the world, mainly in Asia, North America and Europe. #SEBN_Tunisia which has started its activities in Jendouba_Northwest of Tunisia in March 2009 employs today more than 3000 people.

#TIA_Team paid a visit to the new SEBN plant at #El_Fejja_Neopark, Manouba – Northeast of Tunisia on Wednesday 22 July where SEBN is expanding its activities. It was a great opportunity to learn about the group’s motivations to reinvest HERE in Tunisia that is considered as a profitable nearshore location, thanks mainly to its:

- Proximity and free market access to major markets: well-located to serve EMEA & Maghreb markets
- Huge amount of qualified & Skilled Human Resources - at Best costs
- Welcoming Business Environment : support of governmental organizations through a single point of contact #TIA during all stages of implementation with an interesting set of fiscal, financial and social incentives.
- Good infrastructure, port facilities and communication networks where to establish a new operation
- Long standing tradition with extensive know-how in automotive industry
- Efficient response to COVID-19 with a major focus on helping businesses and saving jobs”